Top Challenges the Advertising Industry has Faced during 2020

Ad blockers propagation is just the tip of the iceberg

3 min readSep 15, 2020

In 2020, many facts taken by granted during the years have collapsed. The global industries have faced an unforeseen challenge, a worldwide pandemic, that may coexist with us for the years to come. Some businesses fade while others prosper. What can the advertising industry do to stand to this challenge?

Exponential Growth

There are at least 2 billion websites online. Among such an enormous number, it becomes hard to decide where to invest in advertisements. Finding new channels for digital marketing while working on budget demands expertise. Moreover, it’s a sector of constant learning and development.

Ad blockers

Most websites can become ad-free with the click of a button. The spread of these plugins is massive — the old days where people could not escape ads are long gone. Websites can react to this trend by introducing ad blocker detection and pop-ups that politely ask you to turn them off — at a cost.

Lack of exposure

Tech giants charge a lot of money to allow brands to connect with their audience. Moreover, if they stop the money income, their exposure drastically fades. Therefore, brands must spend a lot on marketing and ads all the time.

Increasing Costs

Since the art of marketing becomes costly, there is a need for optimization. Webmasters know the value of their traffic. Brands have no option but to hire experts in marketing and pay for ads in various channels to keep the exposure relevant in their niche.

Audience Wars

People have more social accounts and subscriptions nowadays than in the 90s. Therefore, there are many channels to reach the average user — which one is the best? What is the lowest cost to convert a casual user into a paying customer? Finding out these parameters is complex challenge brands face.


Centralized services are facing several complications during 2020. The prospects have uncertainty on how the markets will evolve in 2021. One of the best ways to target an audience and have them see your content is by reaching groups of interest and focus on niches. What’s more, would it not be even better to reward them (with cash) for seeing your ads?

That’s Woonkly in a nutshell.

Written by César Patiño, PR Manager at Woonkly.




Written by Woonkly

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